

Check Free CIBIL Score

Checking your CIBIL score from time to time is important and also very easy. Check Free Credit Score to assess your financial health and credit worthiness. This will help you take corrective action before you seek any kind of loan. So go ahead understand the steps and check your CIBIL score free online


Understanding CIBIL Score

In today's financial landscape, the term 'CIBIL Score' resonates with paramount significance. A yardstick of creditworthiness, your CIBIL score is akin to a financial report card, shaping lenders' perceptions of you. However, much like any report card, it's imperative to understand, analyze, and continuously improve it. Let's embark on a journey to deeply understand the nuances of the CIBIL score and how one can check it without incurring any cost.

CIBIL (Credit Information Bureau (India) Limited) Score is a three-digit number ranging from 300 to 900, which represents an individual's creditworthiness. The higher the score, the better the individual's credit profile. It's an important metric that lenders use in India to evaluate the risk of lending to an individual based on their past credit behavior.

The CIBIL Score, provided by TransUnion CIBIL, acts as a financial grade for every individual. Think of it as a number, anywhere between 300 and 900, that tells lenders about your money habits. It primarily focuses on how you've managed borrowed money in the past. If you're closer to 900, it indicates you've been responsible, paying back loans or clearing credit card bills on time. But a score nearer to 300 suggests you might have had some hiccups with managing debt.

Now, why does this number matter? Well, whenever you apply for a loan or a credit card, banks and other lenders glance at this score. A high CIBIL Score assures them that you're likely to pay back without issues. On the other hand, a lower score might make them cautious, thinking there's a risk you might not pay back promptly. In essence, this score is a mirror to your financial discipline. It provides a snapshot, helping institutions quickly gauge if lending money to you is a safe bet.

Steps to Check CIBIL Score for FREE

In order to check free credit score, you need to follow a few simple steps.

  • Head to the official page of the CIBIL credit company.
  • Choose the option that says ‘get your free CIBIL score’.
  • You will be asked to choose a paid plan. All you need to do is skip the pop-up notification page and move ahead to the next page.
  • You will be asked to put all your personal details such as your name, email id, phone number, pin code, and other details.
  • Click on ‘agree and continue’ to get your free annual CIBIL score.
  • There are other websites as well that can help you to check CIBIL for free.

Also Read - How to Check CIBIL Score by Pan Card?

Importance of CIBIL Score

The CIBIL score plays a pivotal role in the Indian financial landscape. Its importance stems from several factors:

  • Loan Approval: The most direct implication of a CIBIL score is on loan approvals. Financial institutions invariably check your CIBIL score before sanctioning loans. A higher score (usually above 750) significantly improves chances of loan approval, while a lower one can be a hindrance.
  • Interest Rates: Those with stellar CIBIL scores often have the leverage to negotiate for lower interest rates. Banks view them as low-risk borrowers, leading to substantial savings over time, especially in long-term loans like home loans.
  • Credit Card Applications: A good CIBIL score not only makes it easier to get a credit card but also to secure higher credit limits. Card providers are more likely to offer premium cards with enhanced benefits to individuals with high scores.
  • Quicker Processing: Loan and credit card processing can be swifter for those with commendable scores. As financial institutions are more assured of your creditworthiness, the due diligence process might be expedited.
  • Flexible Terms: With a strong CIBIL score, you're in a position to negotiate favorable terms, be it a longer tenure, a larger loan amount, or waivers on certain fees.
  • Rental Agreements: In some urban areas, landlords have started checking potential tenants' credit scores. A good score can vouch for your financial responsibility, making it easier to secure rental agreements.
  • Financial Discipline: A good CIBIL score is an indicator of sound financial health and discipline. Regularly monitoring it can be a motivation to maintain or improve financial habits, ensuring long-term fiscal responsibility.
  • Enhanced Trust: In scenarios beyond formal lending, a good score can signify reliability. For instance, when entering business partnerships, a strong CIBIL score might give potential partners confidence in your financial integrity.

Also Check: IIFL CIBIL Score

Factors Affecting CIBIL Score

Let's have a look at all the different factors that help create or build your CIBIL score along with their relevance.

Repayment Records (35%):

  • Explanation: Repayment records form the bulk of your CIBIL score. This looks at whether you've been paying your credit card bills and loan installments on time. Being punctual with payments is essential.
  • Impact: If you frequently miss payments or delay them, it can significantly lower your score. In short, if you're consistent and timely with repayments, your score benefits; if not, it takes a hit.

Amounts Owed (30%):

  • Explanation: This is about the amount of money you owe to lenders. It's about how much of your credit you're using in comparison to the total credit available to you.
  • Impact: If you're always close to maxing out your credit cards or you have a high debt load, lenders might think you're reliant on credit too much, which can lower your score.

Length of Credit History (15%):

  • Explanation: This measures how long you've been using credit. It could be how old your oldest credit account is or the average age of all your accounts.
  • Impact: A longer history can be beneficial, especially if it's a positive one. It shows lenders you have experience handling credit responsibly.

Credit Mix (10%):

  • Explanation: This refers to the types of credit you have or have had, such as credit cards, mortgages, or student loans.
  • Impact: Lenders like to see a mix. If you've only ever had credit cards, for instance, they don't get a full picture of how you handle different types of debts. A diverse mix can boost your score, provided you manage them well.

New Credit (10%):

  • Explanation: Every time you apply for a new credit, it generates a "credit inquiry" on your report.
  • Impact: Too many inquiries in a short time might make lenders think you're in a financial crisis and are desperately seeking credit. This can be a red flag and might pull down your score. It's best to space out new credit applications.

How to Maintain a Good CIBIL Score?

Your CIBIL score ranges from 300 to 900 depending on your credit history. It includes your repayment history, your personal details, your employers’ details, your repayment methods, duration, and other details. These are examined by your potential lender when you apply for loans or credit cards. On the basis of the credit score, your lender decides whether or not you are an eligible borrower.

Check your free credit score and make sure you have a sufficient credit score to get your loan applications approved. If you are wondering how you can improve your credit score, a few points should be taken into consideration.

  • Make sure you pay your dues properly if you want to improve your CIBIL score fast. Those who have credit scores range from 750- 900 make sure they pay their credit bills on time. Do not make late payments. It can have a huge impact on your CIBIL score.
  • To maintain a good credit score, you must keep track of your credit report. Many customers have errors in their credit reports at times, and they don’t even recognise them. Make sure you keep checking your credit history to avoid such inconveniences.
  • If you keep spending more than 50% of your credit limit on a monthly basis, it will show you as someone who fails to manage finances well. The utilisation of your credit limit is something your potential lenders take very seriously while examining your loan application. Limit your expenses and make sure you spend around 30% of your credit limit per month for maintaining a decent CIBIL score.
  • Do not apply for credit cards consistently within a short span. Maintain a gap before applying for other credit cards if you already got one. Make sure you apply for credit cards when you know that you can repay your monthly amounts in time without any hassle.
  • Make sure you keep your old good loan accounts on your credit report. Make your good accounts active if you have a good repayment history for a long time.
  • Increase your credit limit to lower your credit utilisation reports instantly. It will eventually help you maintain a good credit score.

Make sure you implement these ways if you are wondering how to maintain a good CIBIL score. Do not take your CIBIL scores lightly. It will affect your loan-taking procedures stressful in the long run. Check your CIBIL score free online frequently. Keep track of your credit history and follow all the necessary steps to ensure your CIBIL score is decent enough before applying for a loan.

Also Read - Experian Credit Score

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How is the CIBIL Score Calculated?

Your CIBIL score is calculated based on a few factors. Your potential lender examines these while you apply for loans and credit cards. The major factors that your CIBIL score depends on include:

  • Your credit history. Your past loans, repayment method, duration, employers details, and other information are considered during the procedure.
  • Several metrics and factors are involved in the credit rating procedure.
  • The number of credit accounts you have also have a huge role to play when it comes to your credit reports.
  • If you have a long history of repaying your loans, it can positively impact your CIBIL score.
  • Whether you made late payments or not also has a huge role to play. Late payments can make you look like a borrower who does not have sufficient knowledge of finance and how to manage personal expenses.
  • Your utilisation of the credit limit is taken into consideration. If you keep spending more than 40% of your credit limit monthly, your CIBIL score will eventually decrease.

Check your CIBIL score for free and analyse whether you have enough CIBIL scores to apply for credit cards and loans.

Also Read - Complete Guide About Cibil score calculation

Range of CIBIL Scores

The range of your CIBIL score ranges from 300 to 900. 900 is the highest credit score one can have. On the other side, 300 is the lowest credit score to have. 750- 900 is considered a decent credit score that you can have to be approved for loans by lenders. Take a look at the chart to understand your creditworthiness based on your current CIBIL Score. 

Credit ScoreCreditworthinessApproval Chances
Less than 600Urgent actions requiredlow
600-640 Doubtful Considerably difficult
700-749Very goodVery high 

Make sure you check free credit score to understand how much improvement you need to have a decent CIBIL score of 750-900 before you apply for loans.

Also Read - Tips to Increase CIBIL Score from 600 to 750

Tips to Improve Your CIBIL Score

Improving your CIBIL score might seem challenging, but with the right strategies, it can be achieved over time. Here are some effective ways to bolster your score:

Consistent On-Time Payments:

  • Significance: Your payment history strongly influences your CIBIL score. Regularly missing payments or delaying them can tarnish your credit profile.
  • Action Step: Ensure you pay all your dues on time, be it for credit cards or loans. Using calendar reminders or auto-debit facilities can help avoid oversights.

Monitor Your Credit Utilization:

  • Significance: Habitually maxing out your credit card indicates financial dependency on credit, which isn't favorable.
  • Action Step: Keep your credit utilization below 30% of your total limit. If you frequently exceed this, consider requesting an increase in your credit limit or evenly distributing expenses across multiple cards.

Retain Aged Accounts:

  • Significance: Lengthy credit histories with positive records enhance your credibility.
  • Action Step: Avoid closing your older credit cards. Instead, use them occasionally to maintain their activity, even if they're not your primary cards.

Limit Loan Applications:

  • Significance: Applying for credit repeatedly within a short span signals financial desperation.
  • Action Step: When seeking credit, research thoroughly and apply only when necessary. This will limit 'hard inquiries' on your credit profile, which can otherwise lower your score.

Review for Inaccuracies:

  • Significance: Mistakes or outdated information on your credit report can adversely affect your score.
  • Action Step: Periodically review your CIBIL report. If you identify errors, promptly report them to the credit bureau for rectification.

Diversify Your Credit Portfolio:

  • Significance: A mix of different credit types showcases your ability to manage diverse financial responsibilities.
  • Action Step: Balance between secured (e.g., home loans) and unsecured loans (e.g., credit cards). Efficiently handling different credits adds positive points to your score.

Clear Outstanding Debts:

  • Significance: Persisting debts and defaults negatively reflect on your financial discipline.
  • Action Step: Prioritize clearing any outstanding debts. If feasible, negotiate with lenders for a structured repayment plan or for settling the amount.

By diligently following these guidelines and maintaining a proactive approach towards your financial commitments, you can steadily enhance your CIBIL score, making you a favorable candidate for future credit opportunities.

Also Read - What is CIBIL


Also Read - Equifax Credit Score

What are Good CIBIL Reports?

A good CIBIL report typically means the individual has a CIBIL Score closer to 900, indicating they have been responsible with their credit. It's usually considered that a score above 750 is good. The report will also be free of negative marks like late payments, defaults, or loan settlements.

Difference Between Credit Score & CIBIL Score

Essentially, a CIBIL Score is a type of credit score, but the term "credit score" is more generic and can be used globally. There are other credit bureaus in India, like Experian, Equifax, and CRIF High Mark, which also provide credit scores. The term "CIBIL Score" specifically refers to the credit score provided by the CIBIL bureau in India.

Factors That Don’t Impact Your CIBIL Score

There are certain factors which might look like they can impact your CIBIL score but in reality they do not have any impact on your creditworthiness whatsoever.

Your Savings or Current Account Balances:

CIBIL Score is a reflection of your credit history and not your savings or wealth. Hence, how much money you have in your bank accounts doesn't directly influence your credit score. The score is more about how you manage debt rather than how much money you possess.

Your Income or Salary:

While your income might be considered by lenders to determine if you can afford a loan or credit, it doesn't directly factor into the CIBIL Score calculation. However, lenders may ask for income proofs separately to gauge your repayment capacity.

Investments or Fixed Deposits:

Again, your investments, whether they be in stocks, bonds, mutual funds, real estate, or fixed deposits, don't directly affect your CIBIL Score. These assets could influence a lender's decision to give you a loan or credit because they reflect your financial stability, but they don't change your CIBIL score.

Soft Inquiries:

There are two types of credit inquiries – soft and hard. Soft inquiries occur when you check your own credit score or when a company does a background check without your explicit consent (like for promotional credit offers). Soft inquiries don't affect your CIBIL Score. In contrast, hard inquiries, like when applying for a loan, can have a temporary impact.

Age, Gender, Religion, or Nationality:

Discriminating based on these factors is not just unethical but also illegal. Credit scores are purely based on financial behavior and credit history. Personal attributes like age, gender, religion, and nationality have no bearing on your score.

Education or Occupation:

Whether you're a PhD holder or a high school graduate, or whether you're a CEO or an entry-level employee, your CIBIL Score remains unaffected. Your score is a reflection of your financial behavior and not your educational qualifications or job profile.   

To sum it up, the CIBIL Score is designed to evaluate your credit risk based on your past credit behavior. It doesn't take into account your wealth, assets, personal characteristics, or other factors unrelated to credit. It's all about how you handle credit and debt.

Reasons for Low CIBIL Score

Understanding the reasons behind a low CIBIL score is crucial for anyone looking to maintain or improve their creditworthiness. Let's delve deeper into the reasons for a low CIBIL Score:

Missing Loan or Credit Card Payments: Timely payment of loans and credit card bills is a significant factor in your CIBIL Score calculation. Even a single missed or late payment can negatively affect your score. Consistent late payments can lead to a considerably reduced score.

High Credit Utilization Ratio: This is the ratio of your current credit card balances to your credit limits. A high utilization rate (usually above 30%) indicates reliance on credit and can signal to lenders that you might be at a higher risk of default. It's advisable to keep your utilization low to maintain a good CIBIL score.

Applying for Credit Too Frequently: Every time you apply for a credit card or a loan, the lender performs a "hard inquiry" on your credit report. Multiple hard inquiries in a short period can decrease your score, as it may appear to lenders that you're desperately seeking credit or are unable to live within your means.

Holding Too Many Credit Cards or Loans: While having multiple credit lines can be beneficial for your credit score, mismanaging them or taking on more debt than you can handle can negatively affect your score. It's not just the number of credit lines, but how you manage them that matters.

Defaulting on a Loan or Settling with a Bank: If you fail to repay a loan or end up settling with a bank for an amount less than you owe, it will significantly reduce your CIBIL score. A loan default or a credit card settlement remains on your credit report for several years and can make it difficult for you to secure credit in the future.

Having No Credit History or a Very Short Credit History: If you've never taken a loan or owned a credit card, you might not have a credit history at all. This lack of credit history can lead to a low or non-existent CIBIL score. Lenders prefer borrowers with a proven track record of managing credit responsibly.

Errors or Inaccuracies in Your Credit Report: Sometimes, errors or inaccuracies, like a payment wrongly reported as missed or a loan that you've never taken being listed under your name, can bring down your CIBIL score. It's essential to regularly review your credit report and rectify any errors you spot.

Guaranteeing Someone Else's Loan: If you've acted as a guarantor for someone else's loan and they default, the lender might approach you for repayment. If you fail to fulfill this obligation, it could adversely affect your CIBIL score.

Impact of Checking CIBIL Score Frequently

When you personally check your own CIBIL score, it is termed as a "soft inquiry" and does not impact your score. However, when a lender checks your CIBIL score for the purpose of lending, it's considered a "hard inquiry" and can have a temporary negative impact on your score if done frequently. It's always a good idea to periodically check your score for accuracy and to understand where you stand, but ensure that you're not applying for credit too frequently. Remember that maintaining a good CIBIL or credit score is crucial for securing loans or credit cards at favorable terms. Regularly checking your report, ensuring accuracy, and managing your credit responsibly are key steps to achieving and maintaining a good score.

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How can I get my full CIBIL report free?


Visit the official website of the CIBIL company and press the option that says ‘get your full CIBIL score’ to get a free CIBIL score instantly.

What is the best way to check CIBIL score?


The most authentic way to check your CIBIL score is by visiting their official website www.CIBIL.com.

They provide a 100%authentic credit report to all the customers.

Are there any charges to check CIBIL score?


For a standard subscription, you will have to pay around Rs.800. The package includes two credit reports over six months. If you want to subscribe for a package of four months, it will cost around 120/-

How can I remove my name from CIBIL defaulters list?


The best way is to reach out to your lender and request them to come to an agreement and offer them to pay the entire amount that you have to due.

This way, it will be easier for you to convince them to withdraw the lawsuit filed in the court against you.

How can I increase my CIBIL score to 800?


Make sure you make your payments regularly for all the bills, monthly EMI, dips, and other bills. Do not apply for multiple credit cards and keep your credit limit utilisation within 30% to get a CIBIL score of 800 fast.

Is 800 a good CIBIL score?


800 is an excellent score to apply for loans. When you have a credit score of 800 and above, your loan applications will most likely be approved by all potential lenders.


Also Read : CIBIL Dispute

How can I get a 900 CIBIL score?


First, check free credit score and analyse how much you have to increase in order to reach 900 soon.

Manage your expenses well. Pay all your bills timely and make sure you do not make late payments at all.