AU Bank Credit Card Application Status
After you have applied for an AU Bank credit card online or offline, you can track the status of your AU Bank credit card application using your credit card application number.
How to Track AU Bank Credit Card Status Online
You can check your AU Bank credit card application status online to see if the bank has accepted or declined your application. You can visit the official website of the bank and track the application by keying in your application number.
- You can visit the website,
- Enter your service request number.
- Click on the ‘Status’ button.
How to Track AU Bank Credit Card Application Status Offline
You can check your AU Small Finance Bank credit card application status offline by contacting the customer care number of the bank through any of the following ways:
- You can reach the AU Bank by calling on AU Bank Credit Card Customer Care Number
- 1800 1200 1500 (Toll-free)
- 0141-7141100 (Non-Toll free)
- 0141-4455000 (Non-Toll free)
- You can also contact AU Bank customer service for an AU Bank credit card application status check by sending an email to:
- (for Vetta & Zenith customers)
- (for Commercial Credit Cards customers)
How to Track AU Bank Credit Card Application Status Offline
You can check your AU Small Finance Bank credit card application status offline by contacting the customer care number of the bank through any of the following ways:
- You can reach the AU Bank by calling on AU Bank Credit Card Customer Care Number
- 1800 1200 1500 (Toll-free)
- 0141-7141100 (Non-Toll free)
- 0141-4455000 (Non-Toll free)
- You can also contact AU Bank customer service for an AU Bank credit card application status check by sending an email to:
- (for Vetta & Zenith customers)
- (for Commercial Credit Cards customers)
Status of AU Bank Credit Card Application
- In Progress: This means your credit card application is in progress and the AU Bank is processing it.
- Approved: As the name suggests, this AU credit card application status means your application is approved by the bank.
- Dispatched: After your application is approved by the bank, the AU Bank Credit Card will be dispatched. You will get an SMS for the same with the expected delivery date.
- On Hold: This means your application has been kept on hold by the bank due to some reasons. One of the reasons could be documents not being verified, so you will have to submit more documents.
- Disapproved: This status means that you could not meet the AU Bank Credit Card Eligibility Criteria and your application has been declined by the bank.
Also Read : AU Net Banking
AU Bank Credit Card Application Status FAQs
You can get an AU Small Finance Bank credit card instantly online through the official website of the bank.
You can make AU Bank credit card bill payments through Internet Banking, Mobile Banking, ATMs, Autopay, Bill Desk facility with other banks’ Net Banking account, NEFT, or by dropping payment instruments (cheque or draft) into any of the AU Bank Credit Card drop boxes placed in the AU Small Finance Bank branches. One more payment option is through cash at the bank branches.
- Primary cardholders must be aged between 21 to 60 years
- Add-on cardholders should be aged above 18 years.
- The applicant should be a resident Indian.
In case you lose your credit card application number, you can contact the AU bank's customer care. They will help you retrieve your application number.
Yes, you can visit to check your AU Bank credit card application status.
Following are the different status updates for an AU Bank credit card application:
- In Progress
- Approved
- Dispatched
- On Hold
- Disapproved

Lorem Ipsum is simply a dummy text for processing text and some other stuff that I don’t know about but am still using it because I don’t know what else to put here.

Lorem Ipsum is simply a dummy text for processing text and some other stuff that I don’t know about but am still using it because I don’t know what else to put here.