Most lenders require a minimum monthly salary of Rs. 25,000 to approve a personal loan. However, if you are earning a salary of Rs. 12,000 per month, you can still get a personal loan. For that, you will need to meet certain eligibility criteria and furnish documents for your identity, address, and income verification.
Here are some things to consider to get a personal loan for 12000 salary:
You should meet certain eligibility criteria, including being aged between 21 and 60, having a minimum of 1 year of work experience, and having a CIBIL score of 700 or higher.
You must provide documents to prove your identity, address, and income. These documents can include a valid ID issued by the Indian government (like an Aadhaar Card, Passport, Voter ID Card, Driving License, etc.), recent utility bills, rental agreements, bank statements, recent salary slips, an employer's certificate, etc.
If your salary is below Rs. 12,000, you should assure the lender that you have other sources of income for loan repayment, such as income from freelancing work, variable income, etc.
If you have a low salary, lenders might expect you to have a healthy debt-to-income (DTI) ratio of below 50%. It shows your repayment capability.
Lenders might look at your credit report to check if you have any past pending credit card payments or loan EMIs.
You may need a CIBIL score of 700 or higher to avail of a personal loan for a 12000 salary.
If you meet the above eligibility, you must still know that even if your loan application gets approved, the interest rate could be higher.
Personal loan interest rates vary from bank to bank. Also, you may need to pay other charges such as processing fees, prepayment charges, foreclosure charges, EMI bounce charges, and stamp duty charges.
If you wish to apply for a personal loan with a salary of 12,000 per month, follow the steps given below: