

What is the RLLR Rate?

Repo Linked Lending Rate or RLLR rate is the lending rate linked to the Reserve Bank of India’s (RBI’s) Repo Rate. However, the effective RLLR rate of interest depends on multiple factors. For instance, the RLLR-linked home loan interest rates will depend on the loan amount, loan-to-value ratio, the risk group of the borrower, and so on. The bank may charge a Spread or Margin. To explain, a bank may have an RLLR of 7%, but the actual home loan interest could be 8%, of which 1% will be the Spread or Margin of the bank. Banks can freely fix the margin while lending to the borrowers.


How to Calculate RLLR Rate?

RLLR-linked rates of interest on loans are calculated based on the current Repo Rate set by the RBI.

The RLLR of PNB or any other bank is calculated as the total of the Repo Rate and Spread. The Repo Rate is the rate at which RBI offers loans to commercial banks and Spread is the percentage calculated by each bank to cover their operational costs and profit margin. For this reason, different banks have different interest rates on loans due to different Spread values. 

Calculation of RLLR = Repo Rate + Spread

Repo Rate: The rate at which RB lends funds to commercial banks.

Spread: The additional percentage banks charged to cover operational expenses and profit margins.

Any change in the Repo Rate decided by the RBI leads to changing the calculation of the RLLR. These changes, in turn, impact the interest rate calculation of loans.

You can also check the Base Rate online.

Table of Contents: RLLR Rate 2024[Show]

Impact of RLLR on Loans

The RLLR has a profound impact on loan interest rates, especially on home loans. Unlike the Marginal Cost of Funds based Lending Rate (MCLR), RLLR has a direct correlation with the RBI’s monetary policy. Understanding the calculation process RLLR and its implications is crucial for individuals in their loan agreements.

When the RBI changes its Repo Rate, fluctuations in RLLR will also follow suit, impacting the interest rates on loans. This transparency inherent in RLLR provides borrowers with a clear understanding of how interest rates are determined, leading to informed decisions in loan agreements.

There is a specific reason for the immediate effect on borrowers with a floating rate, as it is linked to a benchmark such as the Repo Rate. The subsequent effect on RLLR, such as the floating rate, is seen within a quarter of the fluctuation in the benchmark.

Investment home buyers usually tend to avail of higher loan amounts as compared to self-occupied and affordable home buyers. This is because they use the purchased properties as an investment source or even rent them out if there is profit in selling them off at higher prices later.

Since investment home buyers avail of a higher loan amount, they are more impacted by hikes in a floating RLLR home loan interest rate option. As a result, they have to pay more on the interest component on their loans as the lenders increase the rates triggered by RBI’s Repo Rate increase.

The self-occupied affordable home buyers with a lower loan amount are less likely to be impacted by the rate hike. 

The existing borrowers who pay EMIs for a long tenure can consider shifting from the earlier lending rate systems like MCLR or BLR to the RLLR interest rate because it is more transparent. Furthermore, borrowers can expect a lower EMI payment burden as the RBI cuts the Repo Rate.

However, if your loan repayment tenure is about to end soon, then it is advised not to switch the existing lending rate as you may end up paying unnecessary expenses.

You can also check how to pay property tax online.

Difference Between RLLR, MCLR and PLR?

CalculationBased on prevailing Repo Rate, market conditions & borrower’s credit profile.Determined by the board of directors of the bank based on economic factors.Calculated based on the marginal cost of funds, operating expenses, & tenor premium of the bank.
FlexibilityVaries based on market conditions & lender’s policies.Adjusted at the discretion of the board of directors of the bank.Can be adjusted periodically based on the changes in the funding costs of the bank.
TransparencyVaries from one lender to another. Generally transparent once locked.Typically transparent, as the rate is set by the bank & widely publicised.Transparent, as the rate is based on a formula disclosed by the bank.
Impact on Borrowing CostsImpactful when locked as it decides the interest rate for the loan.Used as a benchmark for various loans, affecting borrowing costs.Directly affects the interest rate on MCLR-linked loans.
ApplicabilityCommonly used in mortgage lending.Used as a benchmark for various loans, including corporate loans.Predominantly used for floating rate loans for various loan products.
Market DynamicsReflects prevailing market conditions & borrower’s creditworthiness.Reflects the bank’s perception of prevailing economic conditions.Reflects changes in the bank’s cost of funds & monetary policy changes.
Regulatory OversightSubject to regulatory guidelines, but implementation is flexibile.Subject to regulatory oversight & guidelines.Governed by RBI guidelines & regulations.

What is the RLLR of PNB?

The PNB RLLR is 9% at present (Repo Rate of 6.50% + Mark-up of 2.50%) for all customers. Along with RLLR rate of PNB, a BSP of 0.25% will be charged.

All new floating rate retail loans (including home loans, auto loans, personal loans, etc.) and floating rate Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME) loans will continue with the markup of 2.50% + 25 bps of BSP w.e.f. 8th November 2021 onwards and the same will be reset after 3 years from the date of opening the account.

In case of existing borrowers with loans linked to RLLR PNB sanctioned between 1st October 2019 and 31st August 2020, will have the Mark-up of 2.65% which will be reset after a period of 3 years from the date of opening of the account.

What is the RLLR of Canara Bank?

Effective from 1st October  2019, in terms of RBI guidelines, Canara Bank has shifted to the pricing of MSME and retail loans/ advances linked to external benchmark i.e. RLLR. RLLR Canara Bank is 9.25% w.e.f 12th July 2024. This rate will be applicable only to the new accounts opened on or after 12th November 2023 and accounts completing 3 years under RLLR regime on or after 12th November 2023 (from the date of granting loan/ advance). The said RLLR will be effective till the next review. The accounts having not completed 3 years under the RLLR regime will be linked to the earlier RLLR of Canara Bank i.e. 9.40%. Further, the benchmark fixed under the Fixed Interest Rate regime will be for 3 years.


What is the RLLR rate at present?


The current RLLR may vary from one bank to another based on the current Repo Rate and the Spread determined by the bank.

How is RLLR calculated?


Calculation of RLLR = Repo Rate + Spread

Where the Repo Rate is the rate at which RBI lends funds to commercial banks and the Spread is the additional percentage banks charge to cover operational expenses and profit margins.

What is the RLLR rate of PNB?


The current PNB RLLR rate is 9% (Repo Rate 6.50% + Mark-up 2.50%).

What is the repo-linked lending rate?


Banks offer loans at a certain rate of interest. If that interest rate is linked to the RBI’s Repo Rate, it is called the Repo Linked Lending Rate or RLLR. As per an October 2019 circular from RBI, banks are required to link their retail loans to external benchmark lending rates (EBLR). As a result, most banks have made the Repo Rate as their benchmark.

What is EBLR and RLLR?


EBLR is External Benchmark-linked Lending Rate and RLLR is Repo Linked Lending Rate.

What is the current EBLR rate?


The current EBLR may vary from one bank to another based on the current Repo Rate and the Spread determined by the bank.

Is EBLR good or bad?


The EBLR rate has several advantages for borrowers and lending banks. While banks have the freedom to decide the spread over the EBLR, a policy rate cut activity regarding the lending rates reaches the loan seekers sooner.

Can banks lend below RLLR?


No, RLLR is a benchmark below which lenders are not permitted to lend money to their customers.

When was RLLR introduced?


RLLR was introduced in October 2019.

What is the full form of MCLR and RLLR?


The full form of MCLR is Marginal Cost of Funds based Lending Rate and RLLR is Repo Linked Lending Rate.

Who decided the Repo Rate?


The Monitory Policy Committee (MPC) of RBI decides the Repo Rate.

What is CRP in loans?


CRP is a Credit Risk Premium added by banks above the EBLR and RLLR when giving any type of credit, including home and auto loans.

What is EBLR in economics?


In economics, EBLR is an approach via which banks determine lending rates on loans such as home loans, personal loans, and auto loans, among others.

Should I shift to EBLR?


If your final interest rate is similar to or below the final EBLR of new home loans, you should consider sticking with your old regime for some time. You may think of switching to the EBLR when the interest rate reaches close to that of the EBLR rate because that could be near a peak.