Credit Cards are a wonderful way of managing your expenses and are particularly helpful in the moment of distress. Some people are aware of the long list of benefits these cards offer and hence apply for a credit card with premium benefits. If you are a customer who does not only wish to satisfy the needs but enjoy life- then this article is for you. There are various forms of Credit Cards available – reward cards, travel cards, lifestyle benefits, and a lot more. You can choose any Credit card in India as per your requirements. If you love to travel, what could be better than a free flight ticket? From complimentary movie tickets to an all-expense-paid stay at a hotel; there is a lot that your premium Credit Card can offer. It is not just a card but a pass to the world of your dreams.
If this gives you a good reason to get a premium Credit Card for yourself, provided below are the five Best Credit Cards available for you:
Card Name | Card Benefits |
Axis Reserve Credit Card |
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HDFC Bank Diners Club Black Credit Card |
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American Express® Platinum Card |
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SBI Credit Card ELITE |
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American Express Membership Rewards |
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Axis Reserve Credit Card is a luxury credit card offered by Axis Bank. The card offers a plethora of benefits like 8 complimentary VIP assistance services and 4 airport transfers per year, unlimited domestic lounge visits, Club ITC Culinaire and complimentary EazyDiner Prime membership, complimentary golf rounds, etc. The annual fee for the Axis Reserve Credit Card is Rs. 50,000.
HDFC Bank Diners Club Black Credit Card is an international card. It offers some elite lifestyle privileges like complimentary Annual memberships of Club Marriott, Forbes, Amazon Prime, etc., 5 Reward Points for every Rs. 150 spent, unlimited airport lounge access in India and worldwide, and so on. All these benefits come at a joining and renewal fee of Rs. 10,000 plus applicable taxes.
The American Express® Platinum Card comes with attractive travel and lifestyle benefits. You get stay vouchers worth Rs. 45,000 from Taj, SeleQtions, and Vivanta Hotels, access to best-in-class airport lounges, and much more. You can pay or redeem your points from 500+ options across travel and dining. All this comes with an annual fee of Rs. 60,000 plus applicable taxes.
With the SBI Premium Credit Card, you get a welcome e- Gift Voucher worth Rs. 5,000, free movie tickets worth Rs. 6,000/year, up to 50,000 Bonus Reward Points a year, 5X Reward Points on Dining, Departmental stores and Grocery Spends, 6 per year international and 2 per quarter domestic airport lounge visits, and much more.
American Express® Membership Rewards credit card offers 4,000 bonus rewards points as the welcome benefit and 5,000 bonus rewards points on payment of the first-year renewal fee. The accumulated reward points can be redeemed for exclusive vouchers from Taj, Shoppers Stop, Amazon, Tanishq, Vistara, and Flipkart. With an Amex Membership Rewards credit card, you can enjoy a 0% convenience fee on fuel purchases through HPCL outlets.
To apply online for the Best Credit Cards in India, Secured Loans, and Unsecured Loans, visit, the leading online lending marketplace that offers financial products from 100+ Banks and NBFCs. We have served 5 million+ happy customers since 1989.