A Credit Card is much more than just a way to help you move cashless. It can help you earn some exciting rewards, and save money through cashback options. It can even help you build a good credit history. Moreover, it enables you to stay relevant in the present-day fad of a cashless economy.
Card Types | Annual Fee | Rewards and Benefits |
SBI SimplySAVE Card | Rs. 499 | 1 reward point for every 100 Rupees spent on other purchases and payments. |
HDFC MoneyBack Card | Rs. 500 | Earn 2 Reward Points on every Rs 150 spent |
ICICI Bank Coral Credit Card | Rs. 500 | 2x cash reward points on dining, groceries, supermarkets bills |
Before you go ahead and Apply for a Credit Card, you should identify why want a Credit Card. We have compiled a list of Credit Cards that might work for you. You also need to be more than 21 years of age to apply and own a Credit Card.
1. Reason: To make spontaneous purchases and to roam around freely without much cash.
Type of Card: A no-fee shopping card.
2. Reason: To refuel vehicles.
Type of Card: A fuel card such as IndianOil Citi Platinum Credit Card.
3. Reason: To benefit from frequent travelling.
Type of Card: A travel credit card such as American Express Platinum Travel Card.
This Credit Card is perfect for you if you contribute considerably towards the purchase of household items including fuel.
Some of the noteworthy features of this card include:
Available at a reasonable annual fee of 500, this card offers some incredible payment options through features like FlexiPay. The outstanding bills on this card usually attract an interest rate of 40.2% per annum.
Ideal for those with a penchant for online shopping, this card can prove to be a boon.
Take a look at some of its features:
While the annual fee for this Credit Card varies from person to person, you can get it waived by ensuring an expense of 10,000 with the first 90 days of card activation. In case you spend 50,000 or more in the first year, you can expect a renewal fee waiver.
The payments through this card are liable to be charged with the recently deployed Goods & Service Tax (GST) at 18%.
The spending on the card is liable to a variable interest rate, within the range of 37.20% and 42.00% per annum. However, this may vary depending on the various aspects such as credit limit utilization and repayment patterns amongst others.
One of the best credit card limit for 30,000 salary a month, this international credit card offers numerous advantages such as:
We hope that you know which card to choose that complements your spending habits as well as your monthly income.